Frankly, My Dear, I don't give a damn! |
So I finished this figure in a matter of two days- probably because he is primarily composed of armour plating. Oh, to be painting Space Marines once again... *sigh*.
I wasn't too keen on this model's moustache. It made him look like something out of Gone With The Wind. I like helmets, goggles and balaclavas. So despite shaping up to be a 70s Pornstar dressed in a kettle, I pressed on with getting him prepped.
I didn't approve of the colour scheme being sand rather than green- (being a bit of an aspergoid OCD nut)- but when your Minutemen are virtually indistinguishable from Mararuders or Grunts... that simply will not do.
I bit the bullet and painted him the Studio Giraldez way....