I'll eat every chicken in this room.... |
I finished my Treitak today. I have named him Polybius.
I don't think I'll run him too regularly since I've lately taken to play low points YAMS games with friends. He will however be a requirement for some upcoming ITS tournaments. The ITS tournaments typically require a Spec-Ops character with 12XP to spend- so he will fill this model niche very nicely!
Sogarat boots! Ballin'... |
It was interesting miniature to paint. It's a cross between the Morat Vanguard models and a Yaogat medium infantryman. With Sogarat heavy infantry boots! He is technically light infantry by default so I had to make him fit in but also stand out enough to be a Spec Ops model.
A few work in progress pics that I took in order to illustrate that models usually look really ugly until the final highlights are done.
Groce |
It looks messy and generally dull.
No thanks, Jeff |
Even with the pouches complete, it didn't look flash.
Strong bright colours are strong. |
Having finished off the hair, I then went onto the reds and whites. A simple broad highlight of the armour plates with those colours really makes the miniature start to take shape.
I also did a simple highlight of the brown fore-arm armour plates- and it made a huge difference to the look of the miniature.
It was at this stage that I was getting tired, so I quickly PVA glued the base (watered down of course) before sitting it into some sand and then leaving it to dry overnight.
Aesthetics! |
I got stuck into the cabling and gems after that and it was then the miniature really came together.
All that was left after that was the detailing.
The axe! |
I was a little perplexed about the axe. It reminds me a bit of....
Ref: BoLS editorial. |
In any case, a bit of fantastical is OK in small amounts I guess.
Satchels and holsters |
I was a little dissatisfied with how the back turned out. In hindsight I should have done the back pack in a different shade of brown to the satchels. But it'll suffice.
Negged! |
Most ITS scenarios I've read about seem to mention 12XP being the magic number with which to customize. If that's the case, I'll probably load him up with a plasma rifle, +1 ballistic skill, specialist and 'climbing plus'. That should allow him to get into all those hard to reach places and still blast away at the enemy.
Until next time!
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