Friday, May 29, 2015

Modern Combat: SAS

Fancy gear... not even once.
Another batch of Empress Miniatures finally completed.

I wasn't a big fan of these figures but now they're painted I think they look OK.

The 'studio' miniatures were painted in civilian clothes however I am in a rush to paint my Unidrons for the Combined Army so I gave up trying to be original and painted these SAS in cam.

I have a gripe with the basing- I can't seem to get the white sticky base of the yellow grass to go away.  If anyone has any bright ideas of how they fix this on their GW minis I'm all ears.

Plain backs on the chest webbing.
They will make good scouts for battling the rising tide of Zombies.

All round defense.
Until next time!


  1. Wood glue that is still white has not dried properly. If the outside has dried by the inside is still liquid its never going to change. You need to use less in the first place. You could try a hair dryer to see if you can force the drying process.

    1. I use super glue for the grass. The brown tufts are distinct pieces- with a white base- that are peeled off a Citadel "Mordheim" Turf plastic sheet. I think that heavy shades/ inks are the way to go.

      I'll keep your suggestion in mind when I use PVA in future.
