Thursday, April 30, 2020

Kazak: Missile Launcher

Tank hunting
As a follow up to the defensive link idea- I painted up a Kazak missile launcher to bolster up the "go second" link team.

Although not a terribly amazing shot, the extra +3BS for the link team, Sixth Sense Level 2 (no surprise shot through smoke for you!) and +1 Burst makes this guy a reasonably dangerous ARO piece.  

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Kazak Light Grenade Launcher

Speculative fire is always needed for ODD on suppression
Nothing quite like painting the same model for a second time.

With two USAriadna grunt support weapon packs, I figured I might as well paint the second LGL in Kazak colours and say it "counts as" a Kazak LGL.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

More Kazaks

Being caught up in the whirlwind of the past 6 months I haven't had the time to do much hobby.

Though now confined to quarters at least I can do some blogging of what I've managed to paint.