Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Strategos Series: CanCon2018- Vignettes USARF

Failures that could have been avoided.

Review using philosophies already described previously.

Enemy vs Mission Concept In List Generation

- novel missions

- failed to appreciate the CONTEXTUAL element in the idea of fighting power
- not just the conceptual- i.e. USARF is good at cheap attrition
- not just the physical element- i.e. this model has this profile and is used in this way (CONTEXT changes it's use and thus its importance).


 The Grid- Acquistion- Power Pack
-       2x BJ- AP HMG, T2 sniper
-       Marauder Paramedic
-       Katyusha, Dozer
-       2x Hardcase
-       3x Foxtrot
-       Grunt double sniper link
-       Dozer

Capture and Protect- Highly Classified
-       BJ AP HMG
-       Katyusha, Minesweeper, Dozer
-       2x Hardcase
-       3x Foxtrot
-       Grunt double sniper link
-       VZ, Desperado


GAME 1- Caledonian Highlander Army- Capture and Protect

EN Analysis
-       COG
o   Grey AP HMG with Isabel McGregor T2 rifle
§  Wallace
-       CC
o   B5 AP HMG BS 16 +3 for range
o   Wallace- high speed 10” move (shock action, maneuver concept)
o   FO- artillery strike
o   Cam infiltrators
o   Good maneuver with cheap smoke allow freedom of movement and effectively have board control
o   Cateran- T2 sniper (one hit kills)- with mobility (climbing plus)- good in reactive (-6 maybe -9 for range)- even better in active
-       CV
o   1 wound- implication for attrition in turns 2 and 3.
§  NWI- T2/ shock
§  Dogged- T2/ shock
o   ACTIVE:  One figure with high burst (link team)
o   REACTIVE: Cateran limited camo. 

Mission analysis
-       Specified task- control console on FLET
o   Implied tasks
§  Deny EN AROs on advance- must kill Caterans
§ Deny easy EN recapture of EN console once held- FAILED TO NOTE IMPLIED TASK- must kill Galwegians.
§  Break link team to deny 2ARO burst in reactive, deny +3 BS in active
§  Be in a position to easily protect own console (deployment implications).

Summary of Events
-       CHA wins Lt- chose deployment side, I watch CHA deploy and then deploys (best ability to cover central consoles AND to negate possible Cateran perches AND likeliest avenues of EN approach).

-       USARF goes first
o   Hardcase/ Foxtrot tasks- provoke Cateran exposure at 16”.  With “Discover-shoot”.  Once exposed- Grunt snipers destroyed them.
o  Attempt to inhibit enemy mobility- Foxtrots and Hardcases (if able)- went on suppression.
-       CHA Turn 1
o   Galwegian maneuver- impetuous units smoking other impetuous units- completely negated effects of Grunt sniper ARO and midfield suppression.  Chain rifle use allowed piece trading very effectively and opened up midfield for low cost.
o   Grey- detection to contact- Linear attack.  Killed one sniper.  Second sniper killed the Grey.  Link team retreated to DZ.

-       USARF Turn 2
o   Goal to dominate midfield and allow TURN 3 rush on console.
o   Blackjacks advanced- stymied by SAS- unable to win F2F rolls- but pushed them out of LOF
o   Blackjacks went on suppressive to discourage EN maneuver (Wallace charge for console).
-       CHA Turn 2
o   Galwegian smoke again negates suppression and allows CHA freedom of movement.
o   Maneuver: SAS FO outflanks one Blackjack- FO/ Artillery strike- destroying one half of table suppression.  *THAT* is maneuver warfare.
o   Maneuver: Uxia- sabotage classified! And then advances on friendly console.  Engaged by forward deployed Marauder paramedic.  Stalemate.

-       USARF Turn 3
o   Having lost midfield suppression and wary of unhindered CHA maneuver (mostly by smoke)- the remaining Blackjack was left in place on suppression.
o   A forward deployed Marauder attempted to advance on EN console- fought Uxia in a close fought series of fights.  Eventually won but was unable to reach EN console
o   112 engaged an FO SAS that had reached deep inside FR half of table- winning- and then reviving a Foxtrot for a Classified.

Smoke allowing cheap negation of suppression

CHA Turn 3
  • o   Smoke/ Maneuver again- negating suppression from remaining Blackjack (but maybe useful in forcing multiple dice rolls- to increase chance of critical failure???)

o   Wallace smokes and moves forward - surviving several Sniper AROs and rifle AROs from Marauder.
o   The ARO process has eroded the order pool and despite numerous smoke throws that were successful- enough are unsuccessful that Wallace engages the Grunt sniper in the open in order to reach the friendly console. 
o   Sniper- shock ammo- neutralizes Wallace before he can reach the console

-       outcome: Draw

-       No emphasis on utilizing “Shock-Action”
o   No VZ/ AD to shape game and allow- SURPRISE at an important location and use selective attrition to negate EN critical capability (Galwegian smoke)

-       Failure to note the CONTEXTUAL element in USARF re: Foxtrots…  Mission (probably the only ones who can do it) and EN (Galwegian chain rifles).
o   Resulted in inappropriate use of midfield infiltrators (suppression) in a way that allowed them to be neutralized without achieving their goal of restricting EN movement.
o   Not having a full appreciation of how the staggered use of Impetuous orders to smoke can completely achieve “maneuver” on non MSV2 pieces (contextual: EN).
o   Piece trading – Galwegian (even if smoke doesn’t go off- most likely will)- will run forward and chain rifle forcing a dodge on a suppressive Foxtrot and still achieve its task of allowing CHA maneuver (contextual: EN).
o   Poor understanding of USARF’s own critical capability- midfield units often only ones capable of achieving any objective.
-       CONTEXTUAL- mission
o   Reserved Maverick/ Desperado- higher probability of success in capturing enemy console rather than Foxtrot (or slow HI/ MI- even if forward deployed)

-       Pure attritional thinking
o   Good- double sniper- SHOCK ammunition to negate dogged and NWI. 
o   Double Blackjacks on suppressive in concept is fine but orders should have been better utilized keeping them in suppressive closer to the FR console (achieve TASK assigned to them without wasting orders) (attritional thinking done badly).
o   No use of SELECTIVE attrition of Galwegians to negate EN freedom of movement (rooted in not recognizing it as a critical capability)

-       Poor use of maneuver
o   Reserve orders for actual maneuver- getting Foxtrot into place on EN console and then forcing CHA defense (regain “initiative” psychologically thinking). 
o   What maneuver?  Strong point defense and maybe a late game sally forth (impossible really).
o   Excellent EN maneuver- FO/Artillery on Blackjack

Smoke (purple) from out of view blocks Foxtrot and 112 ARO.  Also recorded- FO/ artillery strike on Blackjack (knocked out).
GAME 2- MRRF- The Grid

Deployment zones NB. table photo is pre-Grid objectives.

EN Analysis
-       COG
o   Metro Link
§  Bruant
-       CC
o   B5 Molotok X-visor
o   Control- Chasseur will destroy Foxtrots in battle for control of freedom of movement
o   Control- sapper sniper (-6 to hit) with mech deploy
o   SHOCK-ACTION- Margot/ Duroc
o   Specialists FO adjacent to antennae (rather like Foxtrot FOs but only better)
-       CV
o   No anti-material except on Dozer/ Katyusha
o   1 wound- implication for attrition in turns 2 and 3.
o   ACTIVE:  One figure with high burst (link team breaking)
o   REACTIVE: 1W 1B reactive- low-ish BS (saturation zone)

Mission analysis
-       Specified task- destroy 5/9 ANTENNA (ARM4 Anti-material only)
o   Implied tasks
§  Allow freedom of movement of FOs- kill Zouave
§  Preserve antimaterial- Hardcase/ Blackjack T2 sniper
·      Break link team
·      Kill Jacques Bruant (AP molotok)
-       Specified task- destroy EN HVT with data-tracker
o   Implied tasks
§  Allow freedom of movement of Blackjack HMG
§  Protect from high burst AP
·      Kill JB

Summary of Events

-       Won initiative and elected to go first.
-       Engaged Zouave sniper with Foxtrot FO/ artillery strike at close range- neutralized
-       Stepped up linked snipers onto mesa and successfully killed one Metro
-       Freedom of movement:
o   Advanced Blackjack AP HMG –
§  utilized superior burst to kill Jacques Bruant (exposed)
§  Closed with EN HVT
§  Killed Dozer (exposed)
-       Linked Grunt FO able to split burst FO multiple antennae
-       Otherwise preserved hard cases - wary of Chasseurs

MRRF Turn 1
-       Duroc
o   Advanced on Grunt link team and Blackjack T2 (both on one mesa)
o   Smoke cover- allowed to close and spec fire grenades
§  Grunts lucky to either dodge or pass armour
o   Order intensive/ frustrated
o   Advanced in open- wounded by shotgun “guard” Grunt.  Luckily survived several AROs from Grunt and 112 “guards”- double chain rifled Grunt sniper link
o   Blackjack took one wound.  One Grunt sniper neutralized.  Pistol fire- finished off Duroc.
-       Margot- attack from other side- Vs. Warcor and Traktor mule.  Destroyed Mule.  Blinded (eventually).

USARF Turn 2
-       Blackjack T2
o   Used entire order pool to destroy 2 and wound 2 antennae.
-       Hardcases
o   Used their groups entire order pool to destroy weakened antennae.  Then finished an antennae on their own.
-       Blackjack HMG
o   Killed EN HVT.

MRRF Turn 2
-       Margot killed FR HVT

Result: Win

-       appropriate use of selective attrition to achieve overall strategy and degraded EN strategy simultaneously

-       Shock-Action
o   Use of FO/ artillery to engage on favourable terms against sniper expecting “threat-to-detection” linear engagement
o   “SURPRISE”- inexperienced player having not expected this mode of attack. 
o   “Maneuver”- cam infiltration
o   Selective attrition- two artillery strikes- one to KO, one to kill and prevent resurrection.
-       But generally shock-action better demonstrated by Margot and Duroc.

GAME 3- Morat Aggression Force- Power Pack

Blue points: Hardcase/ Foxtrot soft defence.  Red point: TR plasma remote.

EN Analysis
-       COG
o   Yaogat Link
-       CC
o   B5 Spitfire + MSV2- negate cam- linked SSL2 negates surprise
o   SMOKE-SHOOT with Daturazi
o   Plasma TR bot- template/ BTS damage
o   Bit and Kiss- disruption (Pitcher-Exile/ Impersonation)
o   Lt. hunting irrelevant
-       CV
o   High cost- very vulnerable to attrition
o   Usually cannot control table and as such typically do not restrict maneuver
o   Unable to retreat (provided non Morat units are killed first)

Mission Analysis
-       Specified task: control EN console
o   Implied task degrade EN ARO potential to allow maneuver
o   Implied task board control
-       Specified task: activate 3 on centre line antennae
o   Implied task- be in position to defend 2 of the 3 (was not able to get all).
o   Implied task- be in position to activate (Foxtrots)

-       USARF won and chose deployment
-       MAF elected to go first
-       Deployed essentially in opposite quadrants
o   Except for Plasma remote only 16” away from USA “castle”
o   Covered by Blackjack

-       Daturazi advance
-       Hardcase shotgun reveals- killing one Daturazi and splashing supporting Yaogats
-       Daturazi smoke cover- allows CC- Hardcase wins!
-       Yaogat shoot through smoke and eliminate Hardcase

-       Yaogat link team trades fire with one Grunt sniper
o   KO one- allows movement along the line toward central antennae
-       Moves into range of Foxtrot guarding centre antennae
o   Foxtrot lays mine and survives round of fire.
o   Stymies advance

-       Bit and Kiss
o   Impersonate and flank mine
o   Discover and shoot it.
-       Dr. Worm moves incautiously at long range in the open trying to reach MAF console- ignoring camo markers placed for board control.  Specialist doctor (only one in MAF).   Hardcase rifle on centre mesa engages and neutralizes over 2 rounds of fire.

USARF Turn 1
-       attempt to engage TR remote with Blackjack- crit wound
o   abandoned
-       TR remote engaged with surprise shot Foxtrot- success

-       Attempt doctor on Grunt sniper- fail
-       Second Grunt sniper fires on Yaogat to trigger mine blast- no casualties.

-       VZ- emerges behind MAF line- kills one Yaogat.
-       Eventually killed by return fire (should have killed a second but unlucky)

-       Desperado outflanks Yagoat team and selectively engages Zerat hacker
-       Once neutralized- engages Yaogat shotgun and is killed.

MAF Turn 2
-       Yaogat Link advances
-       Maneuver inhibited by second Grunt sniper (linked) and a single Foxtrot threatening another mine drop.
-       Stalemate between two

-       Bit and Kiss attempt to engage
-       Remote killed by sniper looking down that fire lane

USARF Turn 2
-       Blackjack engages and kills Yaogats out of position from mine dodging
-       Foxtrot FO surprise shoot and kills Kiss (protecting FR console)
-       Foxtrot tags centre antenna

MAF Turn 3
-       Single figure- Yaogat- tries to cut off access to MAF console by establishing ARO corridor

USARF Turn 3
-       Last Yaogat engaged by Hardcase (irregular order)- tactical bow- killed
-       Remaining orders go into data-tracker (who reaches enemy console for control)
-       Foxtrot FO- FOs unconscious Bit for classified

-       Classic WEST vs EAST philosophy in contact.

-       AVOID Combat- camouflage in midfield only revealing when worthwhile!

o   Hardcase that killed two Daturazi- excellent example of the ARO concept.  Cheap and expendable and able to do harm to the EN ORDER RESOURCE.  Killing Daturazi was a bonus!
o   Foxtrots dropping mines when link team close by instead of shooting.
o   Frustrated the EN strategy
o   Still fulfilled my own strategy- board control

-       Emphasis on Maneuver:
o   Grunt link snipers- although not killing Yaogats- were able restrict freedom of movement allowing my Foxtrot to drop a mine on the resulting conga line of Yaogats
-       Subdue without fighting
o   Mines by central Foxtrot- able to discourage aggressive advance on my deployment zone AND on centre antennae
-       Combination of ZHENG (normal direct force) and QI (extraordinary, indirect force) to achieve strategy
o   ZHENG- Blackjack, Grunt sniper link- engage and confront
o   QI- Foxtrot surprise shots on TR remotes/ Kiss.  VZ.
o   VZ
o   Desperado
o   Despite killing very little- they destroyed specialists and broke 5 man link making it more manageable for later.

GAME 4- Shock Army of Acontecimento- ACQUISITION

Key deployment.

-       COG:
o   Guarda-del-Assaulto (GDA)
o   I incorrectly pin pointed the Acon Regular link as the COG
-       CC:
o   ODD/ suppression fire- Bulleteer
o   Cam- Nagas
o   Eclipse smoke of GDA
o   GDA- multiwound high armour
o   Board control- sapper sniper linked
o   Sensor bot- negating the camouflage
-       CV:
o   High cost
o   Fragile link team

-       activate and control two flanking antenna
-       control central console with data tracker- worth 5 points!!! (failed to emphasize this as the centre point of my strategy)

-       won Lt. roll off- chose deployment side
-       castled up
-       T2 Blackjack deployed without first placing silhouette and checking lanes of fire – BAD!!!!

Turn 1 SAA

Acon link team- note sapper sniper in key position on building edge.

-       Eclipse smoke everywhere
o   Sensor bot reveals hardcase and Foxtrot
o   Bulleteer moves up under cover and attacks castle
o   Naga specialist lays mines around one antenna and covers nearby Foxtrot
-       Multiple AROs on bulleteer- knocks out Grunt sniper
o   Bulleteer knocked out
-       GDA moves to better position and selectively knocks out pieces at will

Turn 1 USA

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-       Foxtrot FO
o   Surprise targets one member of Acon link team
§  KOd in the process
§  Artillery guided strike (WRONG TACTIC) takes out member
-       Hardcase shotgun
o   Advances on antenna opposite Naga and controls
-       Blackjack AP HMG
o   Attempts to discover shoot the Naga off the far side antenna- fails WIP
-       Blackjack T2 sniper
o   Defeats sapper sniper (v. lucky!)
o   But poor position cannot move or target anything else

Bulleteer contesting 4 AROs (Foxtrot, Warcor, Sniper x2).  BJT2 (silhouette) poor position and unable to support.

Turn 2 SAA
-       Akalis
o   Successful drop
o   Kills 112
o   Breaks Grunt link castle
o   Knocks out artillery park
-       GDA
o   Selective kills- protecting Naga

Turn 2 USA
-       limited orders (unconscious models still take up a spot)
-       Blackjack AP HMG
o   attempt to engage Naga- failed with some lucky armour rolls
-       Grunt link
o   Kills Akalis
o   Attempts to advance on the central console
§  Difficult deployment on castle prevents effective advance
§  Single Grunt makes it
-       Blackjack T2 sniper- poorly deployed has no orders to move into better position nor engage enemies

Turn 3 SAA
-       GDA and another Naga control central console
o   Kill Grunt
o   Smoke prevents effective ARO

Turn 3 USA
-       Blackjack charges centre console
o   Flamer- dies.

Result: major loss

-       Failures in concept: - Failure in Mission analysis: most points are in the central console.
o   Spent most orders getting to side consoles and the blowing the EN Naga off the other opposite console (and failing)
o   Placed my ARO Blackjack in a poor position unable to cover the centre console…. And in fact could only target the sniper- wasted points and potential.

-       Failure in Enemy analysis: critical piece is the enemy data tracker.  Was also COG!!!  Did not prioritize it’s destruction. (Guarda-de-Assaulto)
o   Afterwards the player said he was scared of the Blackjack AP HMG going HAM after the GDA… in hindsight it was the centrepiece of the SAA strategy.

-       Failure in execution (wasting orders on doing little things)- and not destroying critical PanO piece data tracker Guarda de Assaulto. ... among many others.

o   Failed to guard against it.
o   Most Grunts were prone on the roof of the castle- which was pointless once the Acon Sniper was dead. 
o   If they were standing- the Akalis would have had a much harder time.

Castle- rearmost Grunt should have stood up to defend against the (yet to be deployed) Akalis

o   NO utilization of true shock action to tilt battle in my favour
§  No Desperado or VZ to employ maneuver to open new avenue of attack


-       the first time you play against something- you’re going to lose.

EN HVT behind container pile.  FR HVT behind HVT behind red building closest to USA.  Grunt link deployed close to FR HVT.

-       COG:
o   Tariq
o   ?Specialists??- probably more this than Tariq.
-       CC:
o   Saladin – StratL3
o   IMP- Didn’t even occur to me.
o   Tariq- unmatchable maneuver/ firepower
o   Mutts- inhibit FR maneuver
-       CV:
o   Saladin
o   Single key attack piece
o   1W weak specialists

-       all Classifieds centred around HVTs
-       Was forced to go second, and thus watched EN deployment and then thus positioned my own HVT close to EN HVT
o   Was best position to cover from my castle
o   Allowed concentration of force 
-       Unable to achieve one Classified.  Engineering- difficult again. 
-       USA- “pushing shit uphill”

Summary of Events

Turn 1 HAQ
-       Mutts- effective laying down of smoke
o   None killed in ARO despite reveal of Foxtrot/ Hardcase
-       AL JABEL Impersonator
o   CC attack killed Grunt link leader
o   Shotgun killed engineer and Lt.
o   Smoke and moved into B2B with Blackjack
-       Tariq- selective killing of the exposed figures (Foxtrot)

Turn 1 USA
-       Loss of Lieutenant
-       Pistol shot AL JABEL off Blackjack but wounded Blackjack too
-       Desperado killed by single sniper

Turn 2 HAQ
-       Tariq advances on Grunt castle and engages wounded Blackjack
o   Effective “soft defense” Hardcase rifle reveal requiring Tariq to split burst
o   Unluckily loses several face to face and put unconscious
o   Revived and goes on suppression

Turn 2 USA
-       Grunt sniper (linked)
o   Kills Ghulam sniper in tower
o   Kills Tariq
o   Kills Mutts
-       Foxtrot FO
o   Able to take advantage of angle from mesa onto Saladin
o   Surprise FO/Artillery strike kills Saladin

-       CHOICE- between pushing a specialist forward and scanning HVT or eliminating EN specialist closest to friendly HVT- critical error here?

-       choice was made to attack with VZ
o   wasted multiple orders trying to kill an ODD doctor (who survived multiple hits)- unlucky or just poor choices?
-       Unable to advance specialist

Turn 3 HAQ
-       advanced models (including TR remote) into ARO positions protecting own HVT
-       mined approaches to HVT
-       Grunt snipers unable to kill key pieces moving in place

Turn 3 USA
-       Snipers attempt to open up ARO lane- fail multiple times
-       Sacrificial Grunt advanced- activating mines
o   Engaged previously camouflaged skirmisher (natural -3 to hit) armed with a shotgun
o   Killed
-       Specialist advances with own shotgun
o   Unable to approach within 8” HVT due to duel with Haqq skirmisher

Outcome: Draw

o   Failed to guard against impersonator
§  See tactical notes
o   VZ- good deploy
§  Tried to kill instead of neutralize- I.e. block access physically or via ARO.
§  Could have set up for an ARO instead of chasing the damn doctor all over the place

-       Did NOT advance own strategy whilst attacking EN strategy
o   Key to win was hacker with a WIP 13 hack
o   Very possible in USA Turn 2
o   Became hyper aggressive with VZ and failed to note that I could subdue Haqq doctor (two orders only due to LOL) by literally blocking physical access to my HVT (positioned deliberately to only allow a narrow avenue of approach) OR by trying to kill once and then settling in for an ARO position and going dogged requiring 2 orders to shift (very important when EN is in LOL)


-       I was simply outplayed by a better opponent

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