On guard in The Zone |
With a few hiatuses for gaming, I'm steadily plugging my way through the Ariadnan half of the Coldfront box.
I'm very happy with the sculpts and they have been a pleasure to paint.
Webbing in tan. |
I've been practising with non metallic metal on the magazines... I think I'm getting there.
Multicam still needs work. |
I've abbreviated a few things to try and increase the output of my hobby desk. That being said- the most important thing is to actually be sitting at my hobby desk cranking the models out! That's the real decider when it comes to productivity.
Trying out a new holster recipe. |
I've been mucking around with different recipes on the pistol holster... no clear winner as yet.
Different background orientation too. |
Doesn't seem to make much a difference to be honest- though that may be the way the model is supported during the photography process.
Next! |
Great job! I really like the face in particular.