Yu-Jing |
With the daunting prospect of my first tournament at 400 points looming, I went looking for some practice games.
Luckily, one of the guys at the local gaming club indulged me with a match. He brought along his Yu-Jing- an army I had never faced before. Another plus! With the advent of N3, Yu-Jing is
the Heavy Infantry faction.
And just remind me, what was it with which I had such big problems?
Camo? And- oh yes- multi-wound Heavy Infantry!
This was going to be interesting....
217th Expeditionary Force- Morat Aggression Force Sectorial Army
The Yaogats are back... |
KORNAK Lieutenant Mk12, Light Flamethrower / Pistol, DA CCW. (43)
YAOGAT- Augustus- Combi Rifle, Panzerfaust / Pistol, CCW. (0.5 | 31)
YAOGAT- Crassus- Combi Rifle, Panzerfaust / Pistol, CCW. (0.5 | 31)
YAOGAT- Octavian- Combi Rifle, Panzerfaust / Pistol, CCW. (0.5 | 31)
YAOGAT- Cicero- MULTI Sniper Rifle / Pistol, CCW. (1.5 | 42)
YAOGAT- Caesar- Spitfire / Pistol, CCW. (1.5 | 35)
KURGAT- Titus- Mk12, D-Charges, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (24)
ANYAT K1 Combi Rifle, Chain-colt, Smoke Grenades, E/M Grenades / Pistol, Knife. (25)
SURYAT- Aeneas- HMG / Pistol, Knife. (2 | 47)
MED-TECH OBSIDON MEDCHANOID- Dr. Worm aka Galen- Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (23)
SLAVE DRONE Electric Pulse. (3)
Q-DRONE- Nemo- HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 26)
MORAT Hacker (Hacking Device)- Seneca- Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 22)
8 SWC | 399 Points
I love Yaogat link teams because they negate the advantages the enemy has from ODD and Camo. I struggle mightily against ODD/ Camo and for once I have the points to properly counter those nuisances.
I fleshed out the rest of the army with the obligatory Kornak Gazarot, Q-Drone HMG and specialist button pushers.
Thinking that I needed another heavy hitter in the army, I brought along a Suryat HMG- his first outing since being painted so many months ago. Hopefully he would prove the wicked reputation of Morat heavy infantry justified.
Finally- with a spare 17 points- I brought 4 Gakis for pure nuisance value. And having them explode in people's faces would be highly amusing too.
Forces of Yu-Jing
Heavy Infantry |
DÀOFĚI Lieutenant MULTI Rifle / Pistol, Shock CCW. (0 | 53)
HAC TAO Hacker (Hacking Device) MULTI Rifle + Light Shotgun / Pistol, Shock CCW. (0.5 | 82)
HSIEN HMG / Pistol, AP CCW. (2 | 61)
ZU-YONG Boarding Shotgun / Pistol, CCW. (26)
TIGER SOLDIER Spitfire / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 32)
TIGER SOLDIER Hacker (Hacking Device) Combi Rifle + Light Flamethrower / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 33)
CELESTIAL GUARD (Kuang Shi Control Device) Combi Rifle + Light Smoke Grenade Launcher / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 13)
GŬILÁNG MULTI Sniper Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 33)
GŬILÁNG (Minelayer) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 26)
SHINOBU Combi Rifle, Nanopulser, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, Monofilament CCW. (0.5 | 50)
8.0 SWC | 397 Points
Fort Green Square |
Fort Green Square is an area of medium to high density urban terrain. It's primary role is to serve as an arsenal for the human factions in the area.
The key terrain pieces are:
1. Apartment block- a two storey structure for housing the staff that work in Green Square.
2. Mess hall- a one storey, L shaped structure.
3. Guard tower- a three storey tower with access via a stairwell. It is the tallest structure in the area.
4. The Armoury. A square building of infinite height.
5. Administration- a small building of abandoned offices.
6. The Workshop- a large building for the repairs and maintenance of stores in the armoury.
7. Storage- a green bunker with scattered crates around its entrance. It is likely the entrance to an underground facility.
"Friendly Forces must Capture the Armoury no later than in 3 turns in order to deny it's use by Enemy Forces in the AO."
The Armoury. |
This was straight out of the N3 rule book.
The premise of the game is to have more points (alive) in the Armoury than the enemy during the game (accruing a single victory point per turn). If you control the Armoury at the end of the game, then that earns a further 3 victory points.
In addition- there are 2 Panoplies (aka treasure chests)- which Specialists can loot. Not only do they get to roll on the Booty Table... hilarious... they also earn 2 victory points if you have more loot than the enemy.
After some discussion, we both decided that a Specialist could have unlimited attempts but could collect only one item for themselves. It doesn't say this in the rules- so treat this as a House Rule.
Finally there are 2 classifieds.
The Morats rolled up "HVT Innoculation" and "Test Run". Good times for Dr. Worm!
Yu-Jing got "Data Scan" and ... I forget the other one but it didn't turn out to be important.
I won the Lieutenant roll off and elected to go first. No more going second this time around!
Naturally my opponent opted for me to Deploy first and he picked the side with the Guard Tower, Mess Hall and Apartment block for his Yu-Jing.
Yu-Jing takes the side with the Guard Tower. |
MAF Deployment
Approximate deployment zones: MAF in red. Yu-Jing in yellow. |
I spent a lot of time thinking about my deployment- after my last drubbing (that I published anyway!- there have been more since) I didn't want to rush things.
I started by sprinkling my Gakis across the board. And then proceeded to put down my Morats close to the Armoury.
Morat left flank. |
Two Gakis protected the left flank- ready to run across the open ground around the forklift.
Gakis on the left. |
Wow. Such thinking. Much excite. Wow. |
Yaogats camping behind Administration- Cicero ever watchful. |
My Yaogat link team, supported by Dr. Worm, hid behind administration. Cicero- my Yaogat sniper- peeked up over the side of the railing from his position on the stairs, just in case a target presented itself.
Morat Centre and Right flank |
The right flank was guarded by another two Gakis and Nemo- my Q-Drone TR HMG bot. I put Dr. Worm's slave up there with him too- just in case he got knocked out by a lucky shot.
Just to the right of Workshops (out of view)- my Kurgat engineer took up position.
I have a cunning plan... let's work it out as we go! |
Anyat, Kornak and Seneca (my vanguard hacker) concealed themselves behind a wall in the centre of my line. The proliferation of Shock ammunition- being able to kill them in one hit and no revives- has definitely made their deployment more cautious!
YU-JING Deployment
Sorry- forgot to take the YJ view up the table! |
There was camo. Lots and lots of camo.
Was this a Shasvastii list or something?!
Apartments. |
Three camo markers appeared around the apartments.
More camo? |
Another Camo marker was deployed on the top level of the Guard Tower.
Behind the Guard Tower, a Celestial Guard took up his position with his light smoke grenade launcher.
The Hsien HMG took up a covered position just inside the doorway to the Mess Hall.
Zu-Yong interrupted on his way to lunch. |
Whilst the Zu-Yong hid behind the Mess Hall.
Zu-Yong is hungry... for Monkey brains! |
Reserve Deployment- MAF
Aeneas. |
I put my Suryat HMG down on my right flank, just next to the Workshop- thinking to set up a heavy infantry duel with the Hsien.
Reserve Deployment- Yu-Jing
There was a mysterious roll of a "4" on a D20.
I wonder what
that could mean?
HVTs were placed as per the rules- during our deployment phase- but for ease of reporting I have squeezed this section in here (out of sequence).
The Morat Anthropologist scratches around the Apartments |
Sand box world! Such win! |
The Yu-Jing HVT was deployed in front of my right flank.
Yu-Jing HVT doing some break dancing in front of the Workshop. |
In keeping with conventional wisdom- the Yu-Jing player expended one Command Token to deprive me of two orders.
After mulling it over, I deducted it from the main combat group. My TR Remote was going to need those regular orders.
NB: actually the Yu_jing player should've decided where the orders were taken... not me. Oops!
Impetuous Gakis on my left. |
I ran my Gakis forward- treating them like homing missiles for the assortment of camo markers out there.
Gakis on the right- run past Storage. |
One of them began darting up the stairs to the Guard Tower. 6-6 Move is fantastic!
I moved the Gakis on the left flank even more forward- heedless of cover.
Left hand flank Gakis make for the wall. |
One of them makes it to within 2" of the wall- very important for "Engage". |
Where as on the right flank, my Gakis went for the Guard Tower.
Charging the Guard Tower |
Camo marker reveals! |
As one of the Gakis bounded around the corner of the stairwell towards the Guard Tower, a Camo marker revealed itself!
Daofei! |
What is a Daofei?
I had no idea- but I guessed that it was some sort of Heavy Infantry.
The Daofei let off an ARO shot with his multi-rifle and my Gaki elected to dodge.
Such target! Much excite! Dodge! |
Blargh! Shock ammo is deadly. |
I lost the face to face roll and the Gaki failed its armour roll. The Daofei's multi-rifle shock ammo blew the critter into the afterlife. No dogged for you!
Wait... don't Gakis have climbing plus???
Wow! Such sneaky! Wow! |
I ran my Gaki out of view of the Daofei and towards the Guard Tower wall...
Climbing Plus! |
Surprise! |
Someone on the Infinity forums said that Gakis were a heavy infantry eating machine.
Not this one!
I flubbed my Close Combat roll with a pitifully low number and the Daofei hacked the little alien down with contemptuous ease. Shock close combat weapons are as deadly as their ranged counterparts...
... but at least when my Gakis die...
Daofei takes a wound! |
Not bad for 4 points!
NB: shock CCW actually would've killed the Gaki without exploding him. That's what happens when you use units for the first time against units you've never come up against!
Still, there was this deadly Daofei now unhindered on my right flank. Cover, camo and heavy armour- what a pain of a combination to deal with. Too much for Nemo, the TR HMG Q-Drone to deal with anyway.
Nemo was directly opposite the Guard Tower and probably getting flashbacks to all the times he's been blown to scrap by camouflaged attacks.
Seeing this, Seneca- the Vanguard hacker- got a tap on the shoulder.
Spell caster! |
Time to give the program "Gadget-2: ASSISTED FIRE" a whirl. Marksman level 2 would be very nice for a TR HMG....
Success! (I used an old token to mark Assisted Fire). |
With Nemo now more likely to keep that dastardly Daofei locked down, it was time for the main combat group to make it's move.
Yaogat link team advances towards the right flank of the Armoury. |
Did I mention that Yagoats are really slow? That 4-2 movement made them seem sluggish compared to everything else...
As they laboriously marched towards the Armoury something shimmered off to their left.
Oniwanban! |
A ninja....
... with a Nanopulser! |
The three Yaogats caught in the purple blast elected to dodge- and systematically failed every single roll!
Then they proceeded to fail their BTS rolls and dropped like bowling pins.
Except for Cicero, who found himself in the uncomfortable position of being in a bad range for his sniper rifle and within the nanopulser template range of the smugly grinning Ninja.
Link team broken, Augustus and Caesar knocked unconscious. |
Well that put a spanner in the works....
Aeneas advances to get a bead on the Ninja to his far left (and out of the photo). |
Daring not to trigger another ARO from the Ninja, Aeneas- my Suryat HMG advanced into the Storage area to draw a bead onto the Ninja.
... but I miscalculated- and the Ninja managed to draw a LoF to the bulky Morat on his way to his firing position.
Aeneas advances through storage... and triggers smoke |
With an unopposed roll- the Ninja successfully threw smoke- wasting the orders I spent on the Suryat.
*Face palm*
Smoke works both ways! |
As the remaining Yaogats pondered the odds of copping another nanopulser to the face, Dr. Worm slithered forward to the rescue!
With a tense roll, Dr. Worm revived Caesar, the Yaogat Spitfire. Hooray!
Excited that his healing hand (or claw) was back on a hot streak, Dr. Worm raced over to Augustus.
Success! |
And with only one order remaining, it was time to try out some of these Command Tokens...
Co-ordinated move |
Burning an order and a command token, I scattered my Yaogats into cover.
No more direct template shenanigans!
I had recovered from that nasty Ninja attack- but I hadn't made one dent in the enemy order pool.
The alpha strike plan was out the window and the hidden force of Yu-Jing was about to be revealed...
Celestial Guard launches smoke. |
From his corner behind the Guard Tower, the Celestial Guard cracked open his smoke grenade launcher and fired.
And missed.
At such close range... surely....
Someone's going to the Penal Legion after this.... |
Four failed shots later!
Finally! |
As the Morats watched smoke grenade after smoke grenade sail into the distance, they wondered why Yu-Jing was bothering with smoke at all....
MSV3! |
Safely covered by smoke, the Hsien moved out into the doorway of the Mess Hall. Gazing through the smoke, the Hsien spied Nemo and unleashed his HMG!
Hsien targets Nemo! |
Nemo opted to dodge- computing very poor odds of shooting back.
Very poor odds... as the Hsien critted with his dice. But the EI Gods must've been smiling on that Q-Drone because he critted his Dodge roll! With both criticals cancelling, Nemo had a second lease on life.
Annoyed at such an anomaly, the Hsien fired again. One HMG round landed- but bounced off Nemo's carapace.
Double lucky....
Guts move.... |
Surprised to be alive- Nemo electively failed his guts roll and slunk away into a corner out of view of that dangerous Hsien...
Oh you again! |
With Nemo and his TR HMG out of position, the Daofei carefully inched around the edge of his doorway of the Guard Tower.
And targets my Suryat. |
Heavy infantry to Heavy infantry.
Aeneas opted to dodge and the Daofei hosed him down with his multi-rifle.
The much vaunted Morat PH failed with a roll of "20". However Aeneas wasn't too bothered. He is, after all, wearing heavy armour....
That's a "no." |
Gone.... |
The armour crumpled totally and Aeneas found himself smashed into dream land.
Satisfied with the result, the Yu-Jing turned their attention to their centre.
What is this sorcery?! |
A TO token dropped out into existence by the Mess Hall and made its way up to the wall by the Armoury.
Such trickery... Morats can't stand trickery....
Tiger Soldier- Aerial Deployment 2! |
On a board edge, out of nowhere, more Yu-Jing appeared.
No, Morats definitely don't like this trickery at all!
Spitfire for you. |
Sauntering onto the board- and into my unguarded left flank- a Tiger Soldier hefted his Spitfire.
He miscalculated though- forgetting that Caesar just happened to be looking in that direction.
KO'd by Caesar. |
It was at long range but Caesar let off a single burst from his spitfire. He hit (thanks to MSV2) and it luckily cut the Tiger Soldier down.
You cheeky Monkey... *applause* |
SCORE So Far...
Well- that was an exhausting Turn 1. But my Yaogats were still intact- thanks Dr. Worm!- and the game was still in the balance.
Starting things off, Impetuous Orders go first.
Swings around the wall.... |
One of the Gakis ran past the Apartment and past a camo marker.
... which revealed itself a mine and promptly exploded! Despite being caught in the blast, the plucky alien managed to dodge successfully.
Run towards and then away... |
The remaining Gaki made a run at the Ninja still on the Morat side of the board, making the the Ninja change facing.
Realising that it couldn't reach the Ninja, the Gaki veered away towards the Armoury walls and back towards the Yu-Jing deployment zone.
I'll get you now! |
With the Shinobu's back turned to him, Octavian quickly made his way to the edge...
Blam! Blam! Blam! |
The Yaogat MSV2 proved indispensable as Octavian landed three hits on the Shinobu who could only ARO with "Change Facing".
Killing the Ninja outright. |
With the Shinobu dead, I expended Kornak's Lieutenant Special Order to reform the link team of Yaogats.
And sent them forth! |
The Yaogats snaked their way- slowly- around the right hand side of the Armoury.
Eventually making it into a good firing position onto the Hsien!
Caesar spitfires the Hsien. |
The Hsien opts to fire back- but misses completely.
The Spitfire hits 5 times! |
Oh what bollocks! |
Despite hitting 5 times- every single burst bounced off the Hsien's armour.
The Hsien wisely chose to fail his guts roll and ducked back into the Mess Hall into complete cover.
With his prey gone, Caesar went looking for more...
Ah ha! |
... and sees the Celestial Guard hiding around the Guard Tower.
Not so fast! |
Seeing the opportunity, the Hac Tao drops out of TO camouflage and joins in the fire fight.
Luckily Sixth Sense Level 2 helps a lot! After thinking a bit, Caesar allocated 4 burst to the HacTao and 1 burst on the Celestial Guard.
Celestial Guard hit! |
The firefight was short and indecisive.
The Celestial Guard lost the face to face roll- but survived the hit from the Spitfire and fell back into total cover.
Wounded. |
The HacTao was hit and wounded once- but the remaining Spitfire bursts bounced off his armour.
Repeat! |
Smelling blood, Caesar sprayed the HacTao liberally with spitfire bolts.
Cyan darts lashed the Yu-Jing heavy armour and most bounced off. One found a weak point and that was enough.
KO'd. |
Satisfied with a dominant position around the Armoury, Dr. Worm was given more instructions. There were, after all, objectives to achieve.
Dr. Worm makes for the door.... |
Only to fail his WIP roll!.... TWICE! |
Dr. Worm, clearly exhausted by resuscitating Yaogats, returns to being useless and fails to open the Armoury doors.
The Morats might not be able to break in this turn but they can make things hard for the enemy in their turn! With that in mind, one of the Gakis made for the Apartment block.
Gaki runs towards the Apartment and it's camo tokens. |
Where as the other Gaki raced towards the Hsien.
Wow! Much Hungry! Such Armour! Wow! |
Close combat! |
Once again, the hapless creature was cut down by the Yu-Jing Heavy Infantryman....
... but the alien explodes as it dies....
Wounding the Hsien.
Heh. I'm really starting to like these Gakis!
Emboldened by the fact that the Hsien was now wounded, Caesar moved in for the kill.
Out for blood!- And one failed armour check is all it takes.... |
The Hsien opted to dodge- even winning one face to face roll- much to Caesar's disgust... however this luck couldn't hold out.
The human flubbed another dodge roll and Caesar landed 5 bursts from his Spitfire onto him.
There was inspired dice rolling as the Hsien took his armour check (passing 4!) but one fail was all that was needed. The Hsien was finished.
GADGET-2: Assisted Fire |
With my last two orders, I moved Seneca- my hacker- up to the police car and cast "Assisted Fire" on Nemo. The threat of his total reaction HMG was the only thing keeping that annoying Daofei locked up inside the Guard Tower....
Around the Apartment, camo lurks. |
On the far side of the battlefield, a Camo token stirred.
What could it be? |
Guilang Sniper! |
More combat camo attacks?! |
Sneaking into position, the Guilang sniper nailed Nemo with two DA rounds.
Sniped. |
Extra unconscious. |
With the total reaction HMG bot gone, the Daofei found himself suddenly free to wreck havoc.
Free to wreck havoc.... |
I see you! |
Coming out from the doorway in the Guard Tower, the Daofei rained a hail of multi-rifle shots down towards Seneca.
The Vanguard dodged- equaling the highest roll of the Daofei- and cancelling the face to face. How lucky! A much exasperated Daofei threw his arms up in disgust.
As Seneca thanked his lucky stars, it wasn't all over....
Another Tiger Soldier- AD3! |
Aiming to drop out of view behind the Workshop, the Tiger Soldier hacker missed and scattered... though luckily for him, still completely out of view of all my Morats.
Seneca, my hacker hiding around the Police car- turned face- whereas poor Dr. Worm could only turn face as the Tiger Soldier closed in....
They have flame throwers too? |
Bleh! |
With Dr. Worm burned to a crisp- getting those Armoury doors open just got a lot harder.
Seneca ponders his options.... |
SCORE So Far....
It was do or die now. I had to crack the Armoury or all this killing would amount to nothing....
Keeping that in mind, I expended another Command Token to transfer Seneca- my Vanguard hacker- from his depleted Combat Group into Combat Group I. Plenty of orders for him now!
Still, Impetuous orders had to go first- so I sent my remaining Gaki on a mission.
Charge the sniper! |
The remaining Gaki- by the Apartment building- turned around and raced towards the Guilang Sniper.
Tiger Soldier AROs with a shot.... |
... and misses!
Close Combat. |
The Guilang Sniper pulls out his pistol though and wounds the Gaki. Luckily the critters are dogged and the Gaki completed its charge.
NB- Actually that's N2 rules. N3: PRETAs are dogged, where as Gaki's are not. Both us- Combined Army players normally- assumed that Gakis were dogged. Something about teaching old dogs new tricks....
Fails to wound! |
Despite making it into close combat- and then winning the close combat- the Gaki failed to wound.
After failing to knock out the Guilang, I turned my attention elsewhere.
Back turned.... |
Anyat- seeing the Tiger Soldier's back to her- utilized her climbing plus to scale the wall and shoot.
Unopposed, she hit three times and killed the Tiger Soldier outright.
Buoyed by the success, Seneca made a move towards to the Armoury- forgetting the Daofei watching him from the Guard Tower.
Almost there... oh... *that* guy again! |
The two exchange fire- Seneca needing "2"s to hit....
And he hits! |
However, the combi-rifle round bounces off the Daofei- who shrugged it off and resolutely stayed in position.
Well that's OK, because I have the answer to annoying Heavy Infantry....
...Or maybe not. |
I maneuvered my Yaogats so that Octavian could double burst his Panzerfausts up at the Daofei.
Unfortunately he lost the face to face roll and the DA ammo from the Daofei put him out of action- breaking the link.... Again!
Send in the Spitfire |
More bursts must be better!
Caesar moved around to fire at the Daofei.
Success! |
Once again the bursts of the spitfire claimed another life.
Get the door! |
Freed from AROs- Seneca raced for the Armoury doors.
... And promptly failed to open them.
What was it with these doors today?!
Trying again- he cracked the doors open and made his way inside.
Always bring friends.... |
I burned another Command Token and an Order to shift my remaining Yaogats into the Armoury.
It was about time their high points cost counted for something!
Finally, I burned my last order (a Seed Token marker) to get Seneca to try and crack open a Treasure Chest.
Which he promptly failed.
The last turn had been a bloody one and the attrition had finally taken its toll.
The Yu-Jing forces were in Loss of Lieutenant and in Retreat.
There were however three Yu-Jing command tokens left.
Creative thinking. |
Two Command Tokens were burned turning two irregular orders into Regular orders.
The the last Command Token was used to cancel the Zu-Yong's Retreat Order.
Rargh! |
Emerging from behind the Mess Hall- the Zu-Yong moved towards the Armoury.
Here he comes! |
The Zu-Yong spotted Crassus first and fired with his boarding shotgun.
Blam! Blam! |
Crassus ARO'd with his panzerfaust- which missed- but he passed his armour saves.
Octavian was not so lucky- failing his Dodge roll- and being knocked unconscious. The remaining Morats- now Warned- turned to face the incoming power armoured human.
The Zu-Yong angles closer- triggering all sorts of AROs! |
Boarding shotguns- deadly. |
At close range- the boarding shotgun caused carnage- knocking over Seneca and Augustus who both failed their dodge rolls in spectacular fashion.
Crassus, however, bucked the trend- hitting the Zu-Yong with his last panzerfaust.
Splat! |
MAF: 4
Good Games- Town Hall, Sydney. |
What a tough game! Seesawing dice rolls and nail biting face to face encounters.
I have to give a big thank you to my opponent- Lone_Pathfinder- for taking the time out on a weeknight to play. Both of us had long days at work and undoubtedly a long week after as well- so I greatly appreciate the tournament practice.
There are a few points to discuss so I'll begin listing them (in no particular order):
1. Camo/ Hidden Army
It was a real shock to be up against so many hidden deployment, aerial deployment and camouflage marker models. I found this essentially negated a lot of my advantage of going first and stopped me from alpha striking.
It was also a source of a succession of surprises- some of which caught me very flat footed.
2. Heavy Infantry are Hard to Kill
Heavy infantry
in cover are extremely difficult to kill. Aeneas proved that when you're out in the open you're going to get pasted- even if you're HI.
3. Morat Army so far...
The parts of my army that did really well were:
A. the Yaogat link team. They were deadly- their MSV2 saving their hides in many a face to face roll.
B. Q-Drone- total reaction HMG. Distracting and locking down an entire flank- entire turns were spent trying to take it out. Especially when it's been augmented with Support Ware.
C. Gakis. Cheap and turned out to be a a great nuisance unit! I think you'll see more of them in future.
That's all I can think of at the moment- and I'm getting super tired writing this.
I hope you enjoyed reading this AAR.
Happy hobbying!
P.S.- undoubtedly there have been editing errors and the like- I'll probably edit this over the next few days to correct spelling errors etc.
Really nice battle report, and lots of excellent photos to help bring it alive. One thing I noticed, you blacked out the background, and no problem with that, but if you're going to do that, might I suggest finding a few nice backdrop shots and using those rather than a matte black. It would add a bit of nice visual flair. Especially if you find a few pictures to use as a backdrop you think would go well with your terrain :)
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteI'll consider using backdrop shots- unfortunately because of the odd angles at which I take the photos (all are taken during the passage of play- they are not "staged") the backdrops would often be poorly aligned.
Still, we'll see!
When Octavian gunned down the shinobu from above, the shinubo should have had a chance to make a change facing roll. Octavian was mocking about in his zone of control. See page 52 in the rule book.
ReplyDeleteNice report, maybe a little less terrain than I play on, but if works for you guys.
Thanks for the comment.
DeleteIt's been a while since the game- but I believe Shinobu did a change face to the first short skill of 'Move'.
I'll re-read the rule book and clarify.